Do you know that you created your present conditions, just as you can change them for better? Therefore, have you ever felt, if only you knew how, that you could and should get more out of life and be a much happier person than you are now? Do you have prayers, dreams, wishes, aspirations, personal objectives or ambitions that seem elusive or even impossible to realize? Written in a very simple and reader-friendly style, this book uses a systematic, step-by-step approach in arming you with the understanding that you have always needed. Get to know and to employ the methods used by the greats of the world for their phenomenal and often miraculous achievements. Learn how easy it is consciously to determine and to realize any condition of your choice and therefore make your future more predictable. Yes! Feel reborn into a very uplifting state of no boundaries to whatever you ever wished to realize and be freed of stress.
Author: A.O Abudu, PhD
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