Kingdom Books and Stationery Ltd is committed to 100% Customer Satisfaction. Items subsequently found to be faulty upon delivery can be returned to the nearest branch within 28 days. A soft or hard copy of the invoice will have to be produced during the exchange. For enquires about the nearest branch, please visit our website at or call us on 0302764209. Where an item is inspected and found to have a manufacturer’s defect or was damaged during delivery to customer, a replacement of the same item will be given. Where item is found to be out of stock, customer will be given a full refund and a coupon for a discount on subsequent purchases. Refund will be done within 5 working days. For items that are bulky or for items that are not readily available at the branch where item is returned, Kingdom Books will arrange for pick-up and delivery within 5 –working days. Returns not caused by manufacturing defects or goods-in-transit damages will not be accepted.In an instance where a customers opts for an item which is lesser in price to the initial item purchased, he/she is not entitled to a refund, the balance will be credit to their online account from which they can make purchases from. To Cancel or Edit a completed order which has not been supplied, please call 0302764209 or email
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