The decline of Dixie Democrats is generally chalked up to the evil genius of the GOP's "Southern strategies," who preyed on a simmering cultural backlash in the South. But what really befell Southern Democrats is a far murkier tale. It's a story that speaks less to the principled nobility of non-Southern liberals than to an uneasy melding of arrogance and willful ignorance. The Democrats' abandonment of the South has opened a larger void: 115 million Americans fed a steady political diet of fearmongering, culture warring, tax cutting, and flag-waving, with Republicans broadcasting their message in a virtual echo chamber. By the 2032 elections, the U.S Census Bureau projects that the South will control almost 40 percent of the electoral vote for president-more than the declining Northeast and Midwest combined. Many parts of the South will also have become "majority minority" by then. Thanks to a thirty-year migration of millions of Yankees, a historic remigration of blacks from the Industrial North, the nation's fastest-growing Hispanic population, and a generational shift away from religious right politics, Democrats can no longer afford to accept the myth of the red-state South.
Author: Bob Moser
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