The Gimpa Story
From a humble, poor background in rural Ghana, Professor Emeritus Stephen Adei overcame lack of Secondary School education to distinguish himself as an academic with B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD in Economics from no mean institutions as Universities of Ghana, Strathclyde (UK), and Sydney (Australia) respectively; Bachelor of Divinity (London), and Master of Theology (UNISA) along fiwith professional qualifications in business administration, marketing, teaching and counseling. His work experience includes being a farm hand basic school teacher, investment analyst, international servant with Commonwealth Secretariat and the United Nations, Diplomat, University
Professor and head of a University. At the time of writing, he was both Chairman of Ghana Revenue Authority and National Development Planning Commission and a member of the Judicial Council of Ghana. In addition to his professional academic works spanning
Economics, Leadership and Public Administration, he and his wife have written over 20 books from marriage counselling to personal financial management to leading and managing oneself. Besides his commitment to the development of Ghana, his passion is helping people to make the most of their life and leading sinners to Jesus Christ the Savior of the world.
Author: Professor Emeritus Stephen Adei
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