Commentary on Cockcrow
This commentary book is a student's companion to The
Cockcrow, which is the prescribed textbook for literature
studies in junior high schools. when students read the
textbook thoroughly, this commentary will then help them to
understand, analyze, and explain what they read
The commentary is written according to the requirement
of the syllabus. It is aimed at preparing students for the
Literature-in-English component of the BECE Language paper
Students will find in this commentary practical advice about
studying towards the exams and how to read any written
material for understanding and for pleasure
This book will expose students to the fact that literature
studies go beyond examinations. Literature helps us
understand life and apply the lessons we learn from stories
poems, and drama to everyday living
Students are, therefore, urged to make up their minds to
enjoy Literature. They should read The Cockcrow carefully and
enjoy the storylines, the characters, the drama, the poems, the
cultural backgrounds, the themes, and the lessons to be learnt
from the stories.
The analysis, literary devices, and summaries of the
short stories, poems, and play will enable students appreciate
the content of this commentary book. The sample essay and
objective questions will help in their personal studies and in
group discussions.
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