Nyameba, a twelve-year-old boy had barely two months to write his Common Entrance Examinations. He relocated from his parents home to stay with his auntie after his mother travelled out of the country. It was difficult coping with his new environment which to him was a bit harsh. He fell into trouble and run away from home to escape punishment. The main Accra train station became his haven. There, he met Ato, a young boy of his age who lost his family through the famous Asuoyaa train disaster and now lived at the train station. He made a living as a head porter. Nyameba joined his new friend in the trade just to survive. Sisi, one of the market women he worked for offered to travel with him on the train to ASUOYAA. His encounter on the journey, his stay in Asuoyaa and the tragic moment he experienced on his return to Accra, transformed his life for good.
Author: Nana Manukure Kissiedu
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